Democratic Party
Hillary Vows to Press On in Face of North Carolina, Indiana Primary Setbacks
Raleigh, North Carolina, May 7, 2008 -- Hillary Clinton told a crowd of several enthusiastic supporters tonight, "damn the torpedoes, full speed ahead" after early results indicated she had lost the North Carolina primary election to Barack Obama in a landslide, and marginally squeaked by in the Indiana primary.
Bill and Hillary Clinton: (Photo: Daniella Zalcman) Delisted From Google For Repeated Syntactic Errors
Mountain View, CA, January 29, 2008 -- A spokesman for Google confirmed today the official website of the Republican party,, has been delisted from the internet search engine due to repeated spelling and syntactical errors.
A Google search for returns zero results
The spokesman said the decision to delist was made automatically on the basis of syntactical algorithms, and did not necessarily represent the opinion or action of any human Google employee.
Bush Accuses Democrats of Also Lacking Plan for Iraq
Buttemonch, Oklahoma, October 9, 2008 -- Outgoing President George W. Bush yesterday repeatedly accused Democratic candidates of also having no plan for how to get out of Iraq.
President Bush touts his No Plan Plan in support of 2008 GOP candidates
The heated assertions came during campaign appearances by President Bush in support of presidential, congressional and senatorial candidates for the upcoming 2008 elections.
Democrats To Launch National Exorcism Campaign
Washington, DC March 12, 2007 -- As Gov. Howard Dean, Chairman of the Democratic National Committee (DNC), and his staff looked through the results from the 2006 midterm elections and compared them to entrance and exit polls it became apparent that something wasn't right with this election. Once again, the Republicans overcame the odds and handed the Democrats a startling defeat in their bid to gain the majority in Congress.
Hemophiliacs to Republicans: Stop Saying "Cut and Run"
Ann Arbor, MI February 12, 2006 -- For the last few months Republicans have been ridiculing the criticism coming from Democrats and the majority of the American people by saying the Democrats want to “cut and run” from Iraq. The Republican labeling has now reached a fever pitch even though the Bush Adminstration has not yet made public a plan for exiting Iraq.
During this period wherein Democrats have been deftly dodging the attacks from the Republicans, another group has risen to confront the aggressive tactics of the Republicans – America’s hemophiliacs.
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