Asteroid Apophis
Pat Robertson Vaporized By Asteroid Apophis
Lexington, Virginia, April 13, 2029 -- Pat Robertson, the aging former televangelist and radical Christian conservative, was struck and killed today by the widely-feared Apophis asteroid in a freak accident veteran observers are terming "an act of God".
God's Green Acres nursing home, Lexington, Virginia (after Apophis asteroid impact)
Tom DeLay: Tax Cuts, Faith to Prevent Apophis Asteroid Collision
Washington, D.C., February 22, 2027 -- U.S. President Tom DeLay, responding to growing public concern over the potentially imminent catastrophic impact with the earth of the asteroid known as 99942 Apophis, announced yesterday a bold new plan to deflect the problem using the two time-tested cornerstones of the GOP agenda: tax cuts for the wealthy, and faith-based initiatives.
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